Photos by Kailey DeRubeis
Flame + Smith, owners Sarah and Hidde Zomer want to shape the culture of their community through food. Using open flames, woodfire cooking, and focused training, the restaurant has become much more than your average dining establishment. The restaurant is built on relationships: from the farmers to the local providers, every aspect of the restaurant and its people are special in some way.
Even during the pandemic they kept moving forward; creating new jobs and ways of doing things, even accelerating what should have been a three year project into just a few months. This project, called Millpond Gardens, is a result of Hidde and Sarah’s curiosity and love for the land. Situated in the family’s backyard, which is a long lineage of plush green fields and a small pond, the gardens have grown to be a resource for the restaurant and local community.
Watch part two of the series here. And in case you missed the first, you can catch it here.